9+ Best Contemporary and Comfortable House

These contemporary living design ideas make us realize why many people love contemporary style so much. However, some of them are mistaken for this style with the modern decor style. Below, we have several pictures of contemporary living spaces that will inspire you. Before decorating your living space with a contemporary style, you may need to check out why this style is called “contemporary” in the first place.

Generally, the contemporary style uses a lot of elements from the modern style. Besides cleanliness, simple lines, and connections to outdoors, this style fills in the blanks in its predecessor, the modern style. So, if you demand beauty in simplicity but with a warmer atmosphere, this style may work well for you.

The contemporary living design ideas show us several distinctive features that may not be available in other decor styles. Even though it seems highly individual, a few characteristics could tie everything together. On the exterior part, you may see a façade that features irregular and asymmetrical shapes. Geometric shapes and large windows along with clerestory windows dominate the building. Besides mixing materials for the exterior, the contemporary style also uses recycled building materials.

Meanwhile, you will find a few distinctive things on the interior part. It consists of one to two stories with an open floor plan concept. Since the interior part incorporates an open space concept, it gets plenty of natural light inside with an airy vibe everywhere.

The layout is carefully designed to accommodate the family’s needs, which emphasizes flexibility as well. The contemporary design style also uses green systems for air conditioning, heating, and plumbing. The contemporary style is not necessarily as same as the modern style even though it looks pretty similar to one another. It has a more detailed concept which we will show on these contemporary living design ideas.

Image Source : pinterest.com






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